Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Digital Learning Day activities for inclement weather days


Complete 30 minutes on IREADY


Complete 30 minutes on IREADY


Go to Study Jams and watch the following videos:

-Animal Cells
-Plant Cells

After, complete the Show What You Know quizzes and email to oliverce@fultonschools.org or magisgraves@fultonschools.org


Read the attached article “The Difference One Makes by Voting”
and answer the question-
“Explain why it is important to vote?”

Remember, to use R.A.C.E. You need to use complete sentences and
cite at least two pieces of evidence

Go to Study Jams and watch the following videos:

-Problem Solving: Order of Operations
-Decimals: Addition and Subtraction of Decimals, Multiplication and Division of Decimals

After, complete the Show What You Know quiz and email to oliverce@fultonschools.rog or


Read the Readworks article “Green Machines”  and answer the attached questions on a separate piece of paper.

Pw: 1234

Compare and Contrast the following inventors and inventions using a Venn Diagram

-Wright Brothers
-George Washington Carver
-Alexander Graham Bell
-Thomas Edison
Watch the following Brainpop Videos

-Writing Process
-Citing Sources

After, take the quiz and email to oliverce@fultonschools.org

Login: Spalding
PW: tigers
Sandell- TAG

TAG Critical Thinking Exercise
  • Use the clues to solve the logic puzzle. (Attached Below)


Read a book or magazine article 20 minutes per day.
Try to read at least 3 pages out loud to a family member.


~ Blue iReady assigned lesson  

~ Write down your multiplication facts for the numbers 6, 7, 8, & 9. 

~ Complete the adding and subtracting decimals word problems (attached below)


Choose one of the following activities:

Do 25 jumping jacks
Hop on each foot 20 times
Run in place for 30 seconds
Take a walk with a parent or guardian

Parent Signature _______________________________________________

Specials- Music

Listen to a piece of jazz music and write a paragraph about how the rhythm, beat, and lyrics made you feel.
Steinhart- ESOL
Read for at least 15 minutes and write a summary of what you read (at least 5 sentences). Make sure to include details that are important to the text. If you read a fiction book make sure to tell me about the characters and things that happened to them in the story. If you read a non-fiction book, make sure to write down facts so that I learn about your topic.

For Reading – the students that are in co-taught should be doing the same Reading assignment as the other students.

For Writing – Students should choose a character from a book they have at home and write 5 sentences describing the character, the character’s problem, and the character’s resolution.


Read 1 chapter of a book you have at home. Write a 5 sentence summary and draw a picture of the events in the chapter. Make sure to identify the characters and include all of the important events.

Day 1-Write all of your multiplication math facts for x6 and x7. Have an adult check your work and make flash cards for any facts you missed.
Day 2-Write all of your multiplication math facts for x8 and x9. Have an adult check your work and make flash cards for any facts you missed.

Day 1-Complete your WW1 matching activity.
Day 2-Draw an animal and a plant cell, label all of the parts of the animal and plant cell and tell what their function is.

4th & 5th grade 
Art Activity 
Check List 
Design your dream car using paper and pencil. 

Use markers, crayons, paint, oil pastels, and/or colored pencils to color your dream car.  

I confirm that my child has completed the following checklist 

                                                                         Specials – Media
4th & 5th grade 
Check List 
Read independently for 20 minutes 

Choose favorite fairy tale or nursery rhyme and assume the character of the villain.  Write a persuasive letter as that character, persuading the reader that he or she has been misunderstood and is not actually a villain. 

I confirm that my child has completed the following checklist 

Read to Self
Image result for reading to self
AR Quiz
Typing Practice

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