Dear Parents,
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great holiday break! Can you believe school starts back on Monday?! I look forward to seeing all your wonderful kiddos.
This week in Science we will be continuing with constructive and destructive forces. There will be a quiz on Friday. I have also put a spiral review for both Science and Social Studies on our classroom One Note that will help with Milestones. We will be reviewing these questions in class, but any reinforcement at home would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you have any questions!
In Social Studies, we are continuing to explore the main events of World War II and the impacts it had on life in America. This week the students will have homework involving watching the Brain Pop videos on Franklin D. Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt, both of whom were influential both during WWII and in forming the United Nations which has tried to resolve conflicts so they don't result in wars ever since.
In 5.1 and 5.2 Math we will begin Unit 4. This is our fraction unit. We will begin learning about adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators this week. Students will also be working on this standard in Tiger Time. Our 6.2’s are continuing Algebra and this week will be getting into how to balance equations. There will be some math pages coming home for homework this week. As always, our Math Choice Board is on our class One Note with pages and activities that will help your student be successful in math.
Students will start their new ROAR groups on Monday. We will be working on identifying theme during guided reading. Students will also receive their ROAR choice board for WK 20 and 21. There are two mandatory assignments, figurative language and identifying theme, due Friday, January 18th.
In Writing, students will be completing their final opinion writing Monday and Tuesday. Students chose to write about either whether girls should be able to play football at the elementary level or not, whether violent video games should be banned or not, or whether animals should be used in testing or not. The students already have their thesis with their reasons for or against and supporting evidence/quotes researched. This will be a test grade and so it would be a good idea for the students to review what they have written already in their Office 365 and be ready to go! On Wednesday-Friday we will be working on writing conclusions.
*Just a reminder that 5th Grade TAG has moved to Tuesday!
Thanks for all of your support!!
:) Mrs. M-G
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