Sunday, February 25, 2018

Update for 2/25

Dear Parents,

        I want to thank everyone who has sent in more supplies for our classroom.  I think the only thing we made need some more of is hand soap.  You have been amazing!  Can you believe it’s almost March?!  Although we are always busy, March seems to be one of the busiest months for 5th grade  because of the play preparation, Milestones preparation, etc. Here are a few things about which we want you to be aware:

-This week is the Tybee Island trip for those students who are in TAG. The TAG students will be gone from Wednesday February 28-Friday March 2.  All lessons taught during those days will be review lessons of standards that have already been covered in the classroom.  Any handouts or study guides needed will be posted on our websites and One Note page. 

-This Friday March 2 we will be celebrating Dr. Suess’ birthday. Students are allowed to wear pajamas and they should have a book/short story to read for a portion of class.  If you would like to come in and be a guest reader between 11:30 and 12:30 on Friday, please let me know!

-Signed papers will come home this week.  In addition to signed papers, there are multiple forms that need to be signed and returned.  There is a contact information form which will be important since we mail out report cards over the summer and the middle schools will be reaching out and the Progress Skills Checklist.  If you haven't turned in the middle school verification form signed with Connections and Music Option selected, please send it in as soon as possible.  

-Students will be allowed to complete test corrections in class tomorrow for the Cold War/Civil Right Movement test.

-SLIME is becoming a real issue in 5th grade again. Many of the students are making putty and slime out of glue and other household items.  It is starting to become a HUGE distraction in class (students are throwing it, sharing it, passing it around and playing with it during instructional time.)  As you know, every minute counts between now and the Milestones test.  We are speaking to our classes about it again tomorrow and this will be students' final warning.  If playing with the slime/putty persists, write-ups will be the next step.  Please don’t allow your kiddos to bring it to school.

Here are a few of the upcoming “I Can” statements:
Tiger Time-I can recognize categories and subcategories of polygons.
Math-I can recognize categories and subcategories of polygons.
Social Studies-I can recognize key people/details about the Cold War and The Civil Rights Movement and I can also recognize the causes/effects of both.
Modeled Read-I can learn techniques for how to dissect poetry, figure out the meaning of unfamiliar words, understand the difference between main idea/supporting details.
Literacy Centers-I can compare/contrasts texts with the same theme.
Writing-I can apply opinion-writing techniques to complete a final Literary Essay.
ROAR-I can apply the “STP” strategy to summarize and determine important details in a non-fiction text.

Thank you!

:)  Mrs. M-G

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Update for 2/15

Math resources:

MGSE5.G.3 Understand that attributes belonging to a category of two-dimensional figures also belong to all subcategories of that category. For example, all rectangles have four right angles and squares are rectangles, so all squares have four right angles.

Social Studies:
Standard     SS5H8 The student will describe the importance of key people, events, and developments between 1950-1975.

Element   SS5H8b. Explain the key events and people of the Civil Rights movement; include Brown v. Board of Education (1954), the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the March on Washington, Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, and civil rights activities of Thurgood Marshall, 

Brainpop videos/quizzes on Brown vs. Board of Education, Jim Crow, Thurgood Marshall

Interview with Melba Patillo Beals

and answering these two questions in his/her journal -

1.  How did the Civil Rights movement change our society?

2.   What are two ways your life would be different if the Civil Rights movement had
      not happened?

Monday, February 12, 2018

Update for 2/12

       Dear Parents,

       This week the students will continue to work on their literary essays about either the story "Scuttlebutt" or "The Last Kiss" while comparing them to our rubrics.  In math, we have a 5.2 test on adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions on Wednesday.  We have also been working on these standards as well in our Tiger Time for all students since the Milestones in April will cover the 5th grade standards. In 6.2 math we also will have our test this Wednesday on our Algebra unit.  Study guides for 5.2 and 6.2 will be due Wednesday morning.

      In Social Studies, we are continuing to study the Cold War and will have a quiz this Wednesday.  At the end of the week, we will study the Civil Rights movement and our Cold War/Civil Rights test over this time period will be next Wednesday, 2/21.

     Our Valentine's Day centers are this Wednesday from 11:45-12:45.  I e-mailed out a class list if your child would like to bring in a card/treat for all 21 students.  Next week on Thursday, 2/22 we have our field trip to the Alliance Theater. 

     Please let me know if you have any questions!

    :)  Jenny M-G

Kahoot Review on fractions:

Prioritized standard: MCC5NF7A

Standard: MCC5.NF.7 Apply and extend previous understandings of division to divide unit fractions by whole numbers and whole numbers by unit fractions

7. A: Solve real world problems involving division of unit fractions by non-zero whole numbers and division of whole numbers by unit fractions, e.g., by using visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem. For example, how much chocolate will each person get if 3 people share ½ lb of chocolate equally? How many 1/3-cup servings are 2 cups of raisins

Divide Unit Fractions by Whole Numbers




Divide Whole Numbers by fractions



Word Problems

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Social Studies resources

Cold War Quizlet

5.2 math sites

Divide Unit Fractions by Whole Numbers



Divide Whole Numbers by fractions


Update for 1/5/19

  Dear Parents,     Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great holiday break!  Can you believe school starts back on Monday?!  I look ...