Saturday, September 9, 2017

Rock Eagle Update

Our Rock Eagle trip is still a go and quickly approaching, I wanted to remind
you of a few things:

1. Please have your students prepared for rain. There are no plans to cancel the
trip unless there is a State of Emergency declared for the specific county (Putnam County), and, so far, there has not been one declared. We are on heavy hurricane watch and will keep you posted every step of the way if this
changes. It is imperative that students have raincoats, boots, etc. and that they are prepared to walk and do other activities (canoeing, etc.) outside if it rains.
2. Thank you for all of those who have sent in s'mores donations. We could still
use about 10 complete sets (graham crackers, marshmallows, and plain chocolate bars) in order to ensure that every student is able to have one or (hopefully) two.

In case you're able to send in some smore's donations... :)
3. We will be visiting the camp canteen which contains souvenirs and candy. This
is usually a highlight for the entire grade. If you would like your student to be able to purchase something, please make sure that they have cash.
4. The bus will leave at approximately 8 am on Thursday September 14 and will
return Friday September 15th at approximately 2 pm. When students arrive they
can go directly to the gym or to breakfast, then the gym. There is no need for them
to go to their homeroom.
5. The students have been split into 4 cabins (2 for boys and 2 for girls) and each
cabin will be monitored by 2 adults per cabin (2 men for the boy's cabins and 2 women for the girl's cabins).
6. The t-shirts are expected to arrive this week. If they arrive before the trip, we will
distribute them and ask that the students wear them on Thursday. If they do not arrive, we will pick another day to have the 5th grade wear them so that we can take a class picture and your kiddo can just wear a Spirit Day Spalding shirt.
     We are excited to accompany the 5th graders as we journey to Rock Eagle
together!!  Please email us with any questions or concerns.

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Update for 1/5/19

  Dear Parents,     Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great holiday break!  Can you believe school starts back on Monday?!  I look ...