Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Math and Science Resources

Dividing fractions by whole numbers song


Dividing whole numbers by fractions

Monday, January 29, 2018

Update for 1/29

Dear Parents,

    We are writing our first in-class literary essay starting this Wednesday, January 31.  The students will be given 2 class periods to complete this writing.  We have been studying a video on YouTube called the “Paynee Football Club Story”.  The students have been given the transcript as well.  Please feel free to view the video with your students if you’d like to give them some extra guidance.  This past week we’ve talked about how to create a good thesis for your literary essay.  We discussed focusing on who the characters are, what they learned, or what lesson the author intended to teach the reader (or watcher, in the case of the video).  

     For the first literary essay, the main thing that we’re looking for is if the students can write a good thesis (claim) and have evidence from the video to back it up.  Unlike some previous in-class writing assignments, the students ARE NOT to have any portion written out ahead of time.  Students are allowed to have an outline and perhaps a copy of what they would like their thesis to be.  However, they are to do all the actual writing within the two class periods that are being given.  After this assignment, we will go on to write a literary essay about a text of their choice (which will be selected from a choice of 2-3 stories provided by the teacher).  The final Literary Essay writing assignment will be a cold read that they’re given of a text and an in-class essay in response to that text.  For this week, if they’re familiar with the idea of a thesis and the video, they should do just fine on the writing.  This will count as a quiz grade.  Please contact me with any questions/concerns.

     :)  Jenny M-G

Paynee Football Club transcript

Paynee Football Club video

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Math resources

Standard: MGSE5.NF.6 Solve real world problems involving multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem.
Standard Broken Down:
 Students should be given ample opportunities to use various strategies to solve word problems involving the multiplication of a fraction by a mixed number. This standard could include fraction by a fraction, fraction by a mixed number or mixed number by a mixed number.

Essential Questions:
• How can comparing factor size to 1 help us predict what will happen to the product?
• How can decomposing fractions or mixed numbers help us model fraction multiplication?
 • How can decomposing fractions or mixed numbers help us multiply fractions?
• How can fractions be used to describe fair shares?
• How can fractions with different denominators be added together?
 • How can looking at patterns help us find equivalent fractions?
• How can making equivalent fractions and using models help us solve problems?
• How can modeling an area help us with multiplying fractions?

Multiplying fraction by a fraction:

Multiplying fraction by a mixed number:
Shown in other videos/resources

Multiplying mixed number by a mixed number:

How to know when to multiply fractions in word problems:

Word Problems with Mult. Fractions:

Fractions w/ Visual Models:

Anchor Charts:

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Update for 1/17

          Dear Parents,

          This snow is lovely and I hope your students are enjoying their days off like my children are!  We are going to keep moving forward however so will have our World War II test this Friday instead of today.  Please let me know if your student has any questions about the study guide I sent out last week on Remind.  Here are two links to information about the Navajo code talkers which we were scheduled to discuss and do a code-cracking exercise about on Wednesday:



       This Friday we are getting into literary essay in Writing.  Basically a literary essay is where the students read a piece of writing and develop an opinion about it that they can find evidence for.  For example,  "I believe the theme of this story is friendship because...".  Please see below for anchor charts on my blog at https://mrsmg5.blogspot.com/  to help your student.  We will focus on the Panyee football club and over the weekend, your student will need to come up with two possible theses to focus on for next week.
       Next week we will be switching to Science and beginning our Inherited Behavior unit.  Please see below for anchor charts.  Here are the Science standards:

5L2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information showing that some characteristics of organisms are inherited and other characteristics are acquired.

a. Ask questions to compare and contrast instincts and learned behaviors.
   b. Ask questions to compare and contrast inherited and acquired physical traits. 

       In 5.2 Math, we are having a quiz on adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators this Friday, 1/19.  Next week we will continue Unit 4 and begin exploring multiplying and dividing fractions.  Please see the anchor charts below for clarification.

       In 6.2 Math, we will also have a quiz this Friday about algebraic equations.  Please let me know if your student has any questions about the Unit 4 information I have been sending out through Remind texts.

         Thank you for your support!

         Jenny M-G

Image result for anchor charts for inherited behavior

Image result for anchor charts for inherited behavior

Thursday, January 11, 2018

WWII resources

        Dear Parents,

        Our World War II test will be on Thursday, January 18th.  I sent home the study guide by Remind text and here are some additional resources your student might be interested in exploring. 

      Pearl Harbor interviews and other primary resources

     U.S. government posters during WWII

     Transcripts of interviews with friends of Anne Frank

      Life on the U.S. home front during WWII

       Thanks for your support and let me know if you have any questions!

       :)  Mrs. M-G

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Unit 4 math resouces

5.2 math

Simplifying fractions song

Converting improper fractions into mixed numbers

Subtracting fractions with unlike denominators

6.1 math

Dependent/Independent variables

Graphing dependent and independent variables

Proportional relationships

Example of proportional relationships

Real world algebra problems with explanations

Update for 1/5/19

  Dear Parents,     Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great holiday break!  Can you believe school starts back on Monday?!  I look ...