Monday, October 30, 2017
Turn of the Century project and rubric
Due: November 9, 2017
of the Century Project
Describe how life changed in America at the turn of the Century
Description of the task:
you will create/illustrate a VISUAL summation
of this unit (Chapter 7-Lessons 3-4; Chapter 8-Lessons 1-3). Your visual
assessment must include a short summary (4 details or ideas) and pictures/maps/charts/diagrams
on the following topics:
- The Importance of cattle drivesInclude maps of the Great Western Cattle Trail and the Chisolm Trail.Who were the Black Cowboys of Texas?
- Inventions at the Turn of the CenturyInclude the Wright brothers, George Washington Carver, Alexander Graham Bell, and Thomas Edison.What did they invent and how did it change Americans’ lives?
- Immigrants to America –Why were people moving to America? Where were they moving from? Where in America were they settling?
- The Growth of American Cities (Pittsburgh, Chicago) –
Why were people
moving to the cities? How many people were
moving to the cities?
Voice - Conversational Style
Uses a conversational
style throughout.
Uses a conversational
style the majority (85-95%)of the time
Uses a conversational
style most (70-84%)of the time.
Presentation style is
primarily monologue.
Soundtrack - Emotion
Music stirs a rich
emotional response that matches the story line well.
Music stirs a rich
emotional response that somewhat matches the story line.
Music is ok, and not
distracting, but it does not add much to the story.
Music is distracting,
inappropriate, OR was not used.
Images create a
distinct atmosphere or tone that matches and illustrates all of the concepts.
The images may communicate symbolism and/or metaphors.
Images create an
atmosphere or tone that matches and illustrates some of the concepts. The
images may communicate symbolism and/or metaphors.
An attempt was made to
use images to create an atmosphere/tone but images for half or more of the
concepts were missing. Image choice is logical.
Little or no attempt
to use images to create an appropriate atmosphere/tone or illustrate the
Grammar and usage were
correct (for the dialect chosen) and contributed to clarity, style and
character development.
Grammar and usage were
typically correct (for the dialect chosen) and errors did not detract from
the story.
Grammar and usage were
typically correct but errors detracted from story.
Repeated errors in
grammar and usage distracted greatly from the story.
Duration of Presentation
Length of presentation
was 4 minutes.
Length of presentation
was 3 minutes.
Length of presentation
was 2 minutes.
Presentation was less
than 2 minutes long OR more than 4 minutes.
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Update for 10/30
Dear Parents,
I LOVE how enthusiastic your kiddos are about our Turn of the Century Social Studies project researching the western cattle drives, inventions, immigration, and the growth of large cities such as Chicago and Pittsburgh. This will count as a test grade for Social Studies and the students will present their projects on November 9th and 10th in class. The students are working in pairs to create a visual model/digital presentation of one of the concepts that we’ve been studying They are allowed to be as creative as they’d like to be to prepare for this 3-4 minute presentation. Many students have already made arrangements to work together outside of school hours. They will be given plenty of time in class, but if there are pairs who would like to work together outside of school, please plan accordingly.
For my 5th grade math students, we have a test on Thursday on adding/subtracting decimals, rounding decimals, place value and comparing decimals. My 6.1 math students will also have a test on Thursday over Ratios. I hope the students have been reviewing the videos and links I've been sending on Remind. Please let me know any questions or concerns!
In Writing, the students are now working on an informational paper for any topic of their choice. We are focusing on structure this week so that students will have a clear understanding of how the paper should flow and fit together. If you want to help your student be ahead of the game, you can help them to find articles and text features that actually enhance their paper. For example, if they’re writing about “Pancakes”, perhaps a popular recipe or a chart with the top 5 pancake restaurants around the world would be interesting-not just a picture of a stack of pancakes (they could be nice too, but I’m trying to get them to understand how text features can help guide the reader through their paper).
Also, they will have to write a brief outline on Monday night for homework. I will collect them on Wednesday. This will be counted as a grade and it will help with the rest of the week as we talk about structure. This should not be stressful, as I will show them how I’d like it done in class on Monday, here’s an example, just in case:
We seem to have gone straight from fall to winter! I hope you and your family are staying warm today. We have a fun, busy week ahead. This Tuesday, October 31 from 11:45am-12:45pm we will have your student’s final Spalding Fall Centers Celebration. I have heard some of the plans and they sound amazing. They are based on some of the standards that we’re learning in class, and they’re fun and entertaining. Tuesday is also Storybook Character Day. Students are allowed to wear costumes of their favorite storybook characters, but they are not allowed to be Disney characters and they must be appropriate for school. A costume is not required. We will visit the Book Fair on Thursday from 9:45-10:15am. If you are interested in having them buy something, please send them with cash. If you haven't already, don’t forget to return your report card folders (thank you to all of those who have). Also, we are still collecting RSVP’s for the Thanksgiving Feast, if you plan to attend.
I LOVE how enthusiastic your kiddos are about our Turn of the Century Social Studies project researching the western cattle drives, inventions, immigration, and the growth of large cities such as Chicago and Pittsburgh. This will count as a test grade for Social Studies and the students will present their projects on November 9th and 10th in class. The students are working in pairs to create a visual model/digital presentation of one of the concepts that we’ve been studying They are allowed to be as creative as they’d like to be to prepare for this 3-4 minute presentation. Many students have already made arrangements to work together outside of school hours. They will be given plenty of time in class, but if there are pairs who would like to work together outside of school, please plan accordingly.
For my 5th grade math students, we have a test on Thursday on adding/subtracting decimals, rounding decimals, place value and comparing decimals. My 6.1 math students will also have a test on Thursday over Ratios. I hope the students have been reviewing the videos and links I've been sending on Remind. Please let me know any questions or concerns!
In Writing, the students are now working on an informational paper for any topic of their choice. We are focusing on structure this week so that students will have a clear understanding of how the paper should flow and fit together. If you want to help your student be ahead of the game, you can help them to find articles and text features that actually enhance their paper. For example, if they’re writing about “Pancakes”, perhaps a popular recipe or a chart with the top 5 pancake restaurants around the world would be interesting-not just a picture of a stack of pancakes (they could be nice too, but I’m trying to get them to understand how text features can help guide the reader through their paper).
Also, they will have to write a brief outline on Monday night for homework. I will collect them on Wednesday. This will be counted as a grade and it will help with the rest of the week as we talk about structure. This should not be stressful, as I will show them how I’d like it done in class on Monday, here’s an example, just in case:
Topic: Pancakes
First paragraph: Intro paragraph where I start with an interesting fact about
Second paragraph: Body paragraph 1 will be the history of the pancake.
Third paragraph: Body paragraph 2 will be the different varieties of pancakes.
Fourth paragraph: Body paragraph 3 will be how pancakes are enjoyed in
different countries around the world.
Fifth paragraph: Conclusion paragraph will give more interesting facts about
pancakes and sum up my paper.
This is an example of what the students will be expected to have on Wednesday. They don’t have to have all of their text features or any paragraphs written out, simply an outline. On Friday, they will write their intro paragraph and their first body paragraph in class. This will count as a quiz grade. By this time, we would have talked about thesis statements, etc.
5.1 Standards:
This is an example of what the students will be expected to have on Wednesday. They don’t have to have all of their text features or any paragraphs written out, simply an outline. On Friday, they will write their intro paragraph and their first body paragraph in class. This will count as a quiz grade. By this time, we would have talked about thesis statements, etc.
5.1 Math -apply strategies to add, subtract, round, and label decimals
6.1 Math - use tables, tape diagrams, & double number lines to solve real-world ratio problems
Social Studies- research and gather information to present important details about the effects of specific Turn of the Century events
Modeled Read-hear the “5W+H” strategy applied to a higher level reading text in preparation to use the strategy on my own “At the Head of Her Class, and Homeless”
Literacy Centers-apply the “5W+H” strategy to analyze a text on my personal reading level
Writing-apply strategies on structure and research to complete an Informational text on a topic that I have chosen
ROAR-apply the “5W+H” strategy to comprehend an unfamiliar informational text
5.1 Standards:
MGSE5.NBT.1 Recognize that in a multi-digit number, a digit in one place represents 10 times as much as it represents in the place to its right and 1/10 of what it represents in the place to its left.
MGSE5.NBT.3 Read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths.
MGSE5.NBT.7 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models, drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the
relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and
explain the reasoning used
MGSE5.NBT.3 Read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths.
- a. Read and write decimals to thousandths using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form, e.g., 347.392 = 3 × 100 + 4 × 10 + 7 × 1 + 3 × (1/10) + 9 × (1/100) + 2 × (1/1000).
- b. Compare two decimals to thousandths based on meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.
MGSE5.NBT.7 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models, drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the
relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and
explain the reasoning used
6.1 Standards:
MGSE6.RP.1 Understand the concept of a ratio and use ratio language to describe a ratio relationship between two quantities. MGSE6.RP.3b Solve unit rate problems including those involving unit pricing and constant speed. MGSE6.RP.3c Find a percent of a quantity as a rate per 100 (e.g. 30% of a quantity means 30/100 times the quantity); given a percent, solve problems involving finding the whole given a part and the part given the whole. |
Jenny M-G
Ratios practice for test on Thursday, 11/2
Looking for patterns in finding equivalent ratios:
Ratios practice with tables:
Ratios practice with double number lines:
Ratios practice with tape diagrams:
Ratios practice with tables:
Ratios practice with double number lines:
Ratios practice with tape diagrams:
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Math Resources
Adding & Subtracting Decimals rap
Catchy Line 'Em Up song:
Rounding Decimals video for 5.1
Another rounding decimals video
Catchy Line 'Em Up song:
Rounding Decimals video for 5.1
Another rounding decimals video
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
American Industrialization video
For any students missing today or those who want to review Soc. St:
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Update for 10/16
Dear Parents,
We are in our second week of our Decimals unit in 5.1 and Ratios in 6.1 math. Please look at my previous blog post and the Remind texts for informational videos and anchor charts that will assist your student in understanding this unit. There will be a Decimals quiz on Friday for 5.1's.
We are beginning our second bend of writing this week and will be focused on informational writing over the next several weeks. We have discussed the elements of informational writing and examined a piece on Walt Disney, then . Our first writing flash draft will focus on Westward Expansion - the students will be conducting research this week in preparation for next Monday's flash draft piece.
In social studies, we are focused on the Turn of the Century and will be exploring the changes brought by American industrialization, the completion of the transcontinental railroad, economic supply and demand (cattle drives), the growth of cities, and the influx of immigrants seeking a better future. This unit will culminate in an immigration simulation where students will move through the stations at Ellis Island to determine if they will stay in America or be sent back to the country they left in search of a new life.
Your students will also be starting new ROAR groups this week. They will still be grouped based on their lexile reading levels, but may rotate to a new teacher for this nine week period. Please let me know if you have any questions!
Jenny M-G
5.1 Math Standards:
We are in our second week of our Decimals unit in 5.1 and Ratios in 6.1 math. Please look at my previous blog post and the Remind texts for informational videos and anchor charts that will assist your student in understanding this unit. There will be a Decimals quiz on Friday for 5.1's.
We are beginning our second bend of writing this week and will be focused on informational writing over the next several weeks. We have discussed the elements of informational writing and examined a piece on Walt Disney, then . Our first writing flash draft will focus on Westward Expansion - the students will be conducting research this week in preparation for next Monday's flash draft piece.
In social studies, we are focused on the Turn of the Century and will be exploring the changes brought by American industrialization, the completion of the transcontinental railroad, economic supply and demand (cattle drives), the growth of cities, and the influx of immigrants seeking a better future. This unit will culminate in an immigration simulation where students will move through the stations at Ellis Island to determine if they will stay in America or be sent back to the country they left in search of a new life.
Your students will also be starting new ROAR groups this week. They will still be grouped based on their lexile reading levels, but may rotate to a new teacher for this nine week period. Please let me know if you have any questions!
Jenny M-G
Read and write decimals to thousandths using base-ten numerals, number
names, and expanded form, e.g., 347.392 = 3 × 100 + 4 × 10 + 7 × 1 + 3 ×
(1/10) + 9 × (1/100) + 2 × (1/1000).
MCC5.NBT.3b. Compare two decimals to thousandths based on meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.
6.1 Math Standards:
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Update for 1/5/19
Dear Parents, Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great holiday break! Can you believe school starts back on Monday?! I look ...
Dear Parents, This snow is lovely and I hope your students are enjoying their days off like my children are! We are g...
MGSE5.G.3 Understand that attributes belonging to a category of two-dimensional figures also belong to all subcategories of...
Dear Parents, The Rotary Club will be visiting our 5th grade classes tomorrow to pass out dictionaries and thesauruses w...